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Residents find rules for Spend Local Cards more confusing than Lock down Rules

Jersey residents are finding the spending rules for their Spend Local cards more confusing than the rules issued during the Corona virus lock down in March. Residents have taken to social media to ask where they can and can't be spent and as a result the government of Jersey have issued the following statement to clarify the rules. "The spend local card can be accepted in any store that accepts money, but only if that store accepted money prior to lock down, you can use them in B&Q but only between 3PM and 4PM on Sundays, you can use them in pubs but only if you have a meal that is accompanied by three pints of beer and not with wine, you can use them at any local business but only if that business was registered after the year 1206 when Jersey recognised the English Crown as the head of state. We will release further guidance when the 'S number' (Rate of spending) drops below the rate of 0.3446 recurring, though we should point out that the cards cannot be used in St Ouens as the parish does have the technology required to process the payment, due to the fact that their businesses were registered prior to 1206. We hope that's clear. Get spending.

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