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Elizabeth Castle chosen as new Hospital Site.

After millions of pounds of spending the States of Jersey have confirmed Elizabeth Castle will be the sight for the new Hospital.

"We’re delighted with this location" said the Health Minister.

Part of the reason for the decision, was ‘there’s simply nowhere suitable on island’. One advantage is that families will be better able to plan visits based on the tides, due to their reliability, meaning appointments can be more easily made. Arriving at hospital will be more pleasurable as arriving by Duck should relieve some stress.

A&E should also now avoid time wasters because the tides will cut off access for drunk people. Will also introduce new Ambulance DUCKS for high tide emergencies.

The biggest advantage is that people can access the castle directly from the water without actually entering Jersey. We simply cannot wait to begin.

The new build begins in 2019 with completion due in 2022.

The new hospital at high tide

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